Student Success Survey
Spring 2020
The Spring 2020 Student Success Survey was conducted between May 5 – June 25, 2020. This survey included questions about students’ experiences after the transition to remote learning in mid-March, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All currently enrolled students were invited to participate by email. The Survey Summary Report [pdf] includes summary statistics and key findings of this Survey, broken out by undergraduate and graduate student status.
A committee comprised of representatives from Institutional Research, Academic Affairs, and Student Affairs developed the survey questions. The goal was to gather feedback on the factors affecting student success and to identify areas for improvement and additional support. If you have any questions or comments about the study, please contact:
Open Responses Keyword Search Tool Dashboard
The open responses from the student success survey excluded personally identifiable information. 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty, staff and administrators may request access to the open responses through the dashboard below by contacting Institutional Research at using their employee ID. Please note that this survey is intended for university administrative purposes only. It did not acquire an IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval. Therefore, survey data cannot be used in academic research or publications.