Course Components & Classifications

A course is designated a component and classification code to describe the mode of instruction (lecture, discussion, activity, laboratory, clinical, practicum), the number of students to be enrolled, and the Weighted Teaching Units (WTU) to be assigned to the instructor responsible for the course. See the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Guidelines and Instructions for Reporting Faculty Assigned Time [pdf].

Non-Supervision Courses (C Classifications)

Supervision Courses (S Classifications)

This category involves direct one-on-one faculty supervision of students for student teaching, field work experience, studio instruction, thesis and projects by arrangement. Workload credit is earned per student enrollment independent of the course’s unit value. The average amount of faculty time per student includes faculty preparation, evaluation, travel, and liaison with agencies when necessary. Courses are scheduled as TBA with no assigned facility.

Multiple Component Courses

A course may be assigned more than one component (e.g. lecture and laboratory). For more information on how to schedule courses, visit the Multiple Component Academic Scheduling webpage. To calculate WTUs for a course with multiple components, see the example: 

C4 (2 units)      2.0 WTUs
C7 (1 unit)       1.3 WTUs
Total WTUs      3.3

Please note you will need to identify one component to which the course grade will be assigned in PeopleSoft. Normally, the lecture or seminar is assigned the overall grade for the course.

Conversion of Common WTUs to Appointment Times

WTU Appointment Time
1.0   0.07
1.3    0.09
2.0   0.13
2.3   0.15
2.6   0.17
3.0   0.20
3.3   0.22
3.9   0.26
4.0   0.27
6.0   0.40
7.5   0.50
9.0   0.60

Reference: Course Classification C/S Definitions [pdf]; 菠菜网lol正规平台 Guidelines and Instructions for Reporting Faculty Assigned Time [pdf].